Gasp....a leaf

I decided my holidays were just so damn good, it was worthy of a blog posting. My holiday adventures started quite early on actually. This was a special time for me because I also used this opportunity to see all my close friends and family before I take off to New Zealand. (Speaking of which, I just might start a new blog when I go away..."Julia in Middle Earth" it?). So, I made sure I saw my good ol' friends Anni, Sof and my cousin Janice in Toronto before I left. That was a fun-filled week of bonding, store hopping, and restauranting. I also got to see my hal-mu-nee (grandma) with Janice before I left. My g-ma's a sweet ol' lady. Janice's chihuahua "Stinky" was pretty happy to see me, but not as happy to see my toothbrush. Poor toothbrush. I got to see Sof's sweet new apartment and unfortunately just missed Anni's new place, but maybe I will get to see it this coming summer.
After a nice week in T.O., it was off to San-ria with the Crightons. What a fabulously fun-food-filled week that was. I always have a blast when I am in Sarnia. I also got a sweet new ipod nano from Chris and his fam. Excellent choice. I did not stay in Sarnia too long; had to catch my flight to BC on the 21st. I packed my whole life and what I would need for the next 8 months into 2 big suitcases and a duffle bag. That was hard. By the way, for those who think you can take as many carry-on bags as you can only take two. So I had to pay an extra $40 to hand off another one of my bags in stow away. NOT COOL. Anywho, finally landed in BC and boy was it warm (sorry, had to boast). Spent a wicked x-mas with the mom, dad and Jerf. We went to Vancouver on x-mas day. Boxing day shopping on the 26th...never again. Whistler for snowboarding on the 27th...woohooo! It was pure powder....except at the bottom of the hill where it was 10 degrees and slushy. But even just half way up the mountain, it was a snowstorm....crazy weird.

Then Chris came to stay with me for a week starting on New Years eve! He fell asleep during the countdown because he was so jetlagged. You have to forgive him though because if you think about it, was really 3am for him when we rang in the New Year at midnight in BC. We had a wicked week of shopping, sightseeing, and sluggin'. We even got to go to Nanaimo (Ms. D. Krall's and Samantha Jones' hometown). I got to pick up a Nanaimo bar from Nanaimo...Crazy Delicious! You can get the best Nanaimo bar recipe from the City of Nanaimo's website:
I have posted some pics from my holidays....enjoy!
Maybe I could get used to this.

I like the should do more of it; you're a great little writer.
Nice job with the pictures, too (I haven't figured it out yet).
I want that whale for my house!
hehe I love that you are posting! and I really love that whale...weeee!!
Miss youuuuu!
yay! you posted...this was an excellent post...
im so happy you are having a great time out in looks absolutely beautiful. miss you!
love ya melissa
ps. i don't think we should forgive chris for shit. lol.
jerf's hot!
so i'm 100% jealous of your BC weather... actually, let's be honest...i'm more jealous of your access to the REAL nanaimo bars... i mean, c'mon!
so...i've been thinking... now that you're living in BC, could you hook me up with one of those hot asian guys?
alright, i'm sorry ... that was inappropriate
so new zealand, eh? yeaaaah
i served a bunch of guys from new zealand the other night... they were so unimpressed with the "my friend is doing an exchange there next month" comment- it was basically the equivalent of the "do you know joe in canada" one...
anywayz....i'm not too sure where i'm going with this comment, *or if it's cohesive enough to comprehend...but either way...i'm happy you posted... and hopefully you can continue fullying contributing to this relationship
and apparantly fullying is a word
*look it up on
*it's where i do all my reference work
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