So it's been a while since my last post. But isn't that very me? Well you would have been able to read a post about me last week if I knew how to use my computer. I was in the middle of writing the most thorough and lengthy and somewhat exciting post last week when I refreshed the page by accident and lost it all. By that point, I had been staring at the computer screen for so long, my pupils were dilated. I had to stop for my own sanity.
But here I am, back at it. I am determined to write today. So, let me just give you a rundown of what's new in my life. Well, pretty much, my life has revolved around reading, studying, eating, watching tv, sleeping, hanging out with mom-ing and eating. But, you can take one more verb out of there now! NO MORE STUDYING!!! (for 2 weeks). I wrote the LSAT yesterday. That test is much toooooo long and standardized. On Saturday, I woke up at 7am, started writing the test at 9am and finished at 1pm. You're not allowed to drink water, so they practically scolded a girl for taking a sip of her nalgene! And it wasn't even during the timed session, it was right in between one section to another. Well anyways, I'm done and so relieved. Funny thing was that I wasn't nervous at all for it. Not once. I think it has something to do with the fact that I am 92% sure I am not going to Law School. While it once was a passion of mine, those flames have burnt out. Grad school is where it is at for me right now. It's like my parents say, you have to follow your passions in order to be happy in what you do. I don't think my parents always got to live by those words, but they're giving me and my brother the opportunity to. I once had passions to be a hairdresser and my parents always backed me up. But then I realized noone would want a hairdresser who cut crooked bangs.
Well onto some exciting news. My family is getting a puppy! I have been doing some extensive research over the break and we have settled on the small-ish white Bichon Frise. They are a small, sturdy dog who is very playful and cheerful. You would not believe how much a of dog lover and dictionary I have become over my extended break. I have learned random and useless facts about dogs but I have also learned really useful info about them. For example, do not buy from pet stores. Why? Because most of the time, these dogs come from puppymills that mass breed with no consideration for their general health and well-being in order to make lots of money on them. Pet stores will buy them all because people will pay upwards of $3000.00 on these puppies. I have come across some pretty gruesome stories and pictures of puppymills. The fact is, to purchase a reliable dog that will be fairly healthy and live a strong, long life, you ought to buy from a breeder (a responsible one). You should expect to pay $1000.00 usually, however, you are assured a higher quality dog and one who was ethically brought into this world with lots of love. However, I do very much support adopting from shelters. You probably won't know what you're getting yourself into, but if you have time, patience and experience, these dogs will be well worth it, so I am told.
See, I'm obsessed! Dogs have been consuming Anyways, what else is new? Oh Yeah! I'M GOING TO NEW ZEALAND IN ONE WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!! WooHoo!!!!! Finally, the time has come. I leave on February 12 and will arrive on V-day in NZ. That's exciting because although I won't be with my valentine (not the dog), I'll get to spend it with lots of discount chocolate!!! Mmmm, truffles. This week will be crazy busy. Lots of packing, last minute shopping...still need to buy a hiking pack and hiking boots. I'm going all out!
Well anyways, I'm going to post this before I refresh it by accident. Miss everyone LOTS. Thanks for all the e-mails and phone calls. They have kept me saneeeeeeeeee! Or have they?
p.s. although the date says this was made in was finished on Feb.5.
hehe I love it. I can't wait till we both have puppies!! weeee
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